Differentiate Yourself from the Competition

Real estate is a personal and referral-based business. Very few buyers or sellers are finding their realtors on the internet; almost everyone has a personal connection to their realtor. New realtors will still have to go to networking events, pass out business cards and maybe even do a little cold calling. But to be a highly successful agent, you must find a way to differentiate yourself from the competition. 

Follow Your Other Passions

One of the best ways a realtor can differentiate themselves is by becoming involved in the community by simply following their passions. Organically meeting people you share a common interest with will give you a leg up on your competition, especially today when so many referrals happen on social media, and people crave a personal connection.

For example, if you are passionate about fitness, join a local triathlon club or CrossFit gym. You will find it easy to naturally form a rapport with people there since you already have something in common. You mustn’t be there to sell or network; nothing would be tackier than passing out business cards. You are just there to meet people with similar interests. Eventually, as people need the services of a realtor, you will become the go-to trusted professional in that community of other fitness fanatics.  

Be a Resource for more than Real Estate.

    Every realtor knows the importance of building a robust professional network. Building solid relationships with mortgage brokers, contractors, and home inspectors are crucial to success. But since you will be developing those networking skills anyway, why stop there? You can differentiate yourself by becoming an expert in giving all types of referrals. Make it a point to develop a relationship with everyone you do business with outside of your real estate career. 

One realtor hired a seamstress from Kijiji to alter her daughter’s dress right before prom. She made it a point to chat with her and then sent a little business her way over the years whenever someone needed a seamstress. Years later, when that seamstress wanted to sell her house, who do you think she called?

Be Unique (and Authentic)

    Every realtor knows the importance of developing their niche, whether it’s a particular neighbourhood, type of house, or specific demographic they serve. But successful realtors can separate themselves even further by doing something unique. 

    One realtor started giving each of her buyers a fancy charcuterie board at every closing. She would leave it in the refrigerator or on the counter after the final walk-through on closing day with a thank you note to her clients. It was unique to her, and many of her clients would take photos and post them to their social media accounts. It was memorable and distinctive, and soon she was the first realtor to come to mind when someone needed a referral. The question was no longer, “Do you know a realtor?” but “Who was that realtor that gave you the charcuterie board?”

Another example is a realtor showing their neighbourhood genius using a Community Feature Sheet® for their open houses and promoting a home for sale on their social media posts. This approach is certainly unique and makes them stand out and memorable. 

Building a career in real estate is a demanding but rewarding business. Success does not happen overnight but is a product of hard work and continuously building your network. These three tips won’t get you out of the grind, but you can stack the deck in your favor by following your other passions, being a resource for all types of referrals, and being unique.

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